Sunday 27 September 2015

Reader Response on Why the climate fight needs engineers

Reader Response
In the article “Why the climates fight needs engineers”, Shah (2015)  mentions that Asia’s development is susceptible to a hostile environment. Global warming increases the awareness of the need of a decarbonised economy.  As there is increasing demand to transform cities into a sustainable urban and economic system, engineering solutions will see a peak in local and regional areas. Thus, experts face obstacles in their attempts to combine integrate individual technologies into a single system. I agree that engineering expertise is essential for solving sustainability challenges to a certain extend. However, I disagree that it should not be limited to engineers to contribute in the climate fight.

Individuals play a crucial role to curb global warming by limiting the use of fossil fuels. Some examples include cycling to work, utilising energy-saving light bulbs at home and switching off household appliances when not in use. In addition, Earth Hour events held by World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF). Is a worldwide movement to encourage individuals, businesses and governments to protect and take positive actions for the environment. The objectives of Earth Hour are to inspire an “interconnected universal community”,  to exchange the prospects and encounters when crafting a sustainable world. These activities raise awareness to cut down ‘carbon footprint and greenhouse gas emissions’.

Education is a necessary aspect to the global response to climate change. For example, Climate Change Education for a Sustainable Development programme, United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) aims to increase youth’s awareness on the consequences of global warming. Member States’ competency are build up to implement quality climate change programme consisting of creative teaching methods and organizing this programme in school.

Government introduces new policies and step up enforcement. For example, The Clean Power Plan is one of the component of the United States’s international attempts to "address the threat of climate change." President Obama is taking the "biggest step yet to combat climate change by finalizing America's Clean Power Plan," which establishes the “first-ever carbon pollution standards for power plants.”

Engineers are vital to fight climate change. However, engineers alone cannot fight climate change without everyone's cooperation. As the recent haze in Kalimantan, Indonesia incident has shown that even with engineering solution to clear land for palm oil plantations, locals still prefer to burn forests which results in uncontrollable forest fires. Instead of using controlled logging and allowing young trees to mature to replace the older trees, forests are still burnt as it is the cheapest farming methods inherited from past generations. Afforestation known as planting of trees in areas that were originally not covered by forest (abandoned agricultural land) and reforestation known as replanting of trees on previously forested areas that have been logged are methods to preserve the environment. Conservation of forest involves careful planning and use of resources to protect and preserve the natural habitats of the forests.

In conclusion, these measures contributed by individuals, education and government should work cohesively in order to achieve greater level of success. If everyone makes the extra mile of effort, Earth can be sustained more effectively as every action counts.


Vaidehi Shah (2015). Eco-business, Why the climate fight needs engineers. Retrieved June 8, 2015, from (2015). Celebrating Earth Hour | EARTH HOUR. Retrieved September 27, 2015, from (2015). Take Action to Fight Climate Change. Retrieved September 27, 2015, from

The White House. (2013). President Obama’s Plan to Fight Climate Change. Retrieved from

UNESCO. (2014). Climate Change Education for Sustainable Development at UNESCO. Retrieved September 27, 2015, from

Edited (27 September 2015)


  1. Hey Joey, your response has good content and I can relate to what your opinions are. The public and governments should play a part in climate change and not just the engineers. on a side note, you can merge some paragraphs together to make it more organised and also be careful of your tenses.

    Good effort!

  2. Hi Joey,I feel that you could make your thesis a lot more stronger by being more focus.I think your reader response has good content and good examples.



  3. Hi joey, your response of the article is easy to read and understand. The effort of engineers might be crucial but it does not counter the challenges. Everyone has a part to play in transforming towards a cleaner and greener world.
