Thursday 3 December 2015

Js: Water-cooled facade wall (Letter of Transmittal)

Letter of Transmittal
25 October 2015
Madame Alice Goh Senior Manager on Research Group Building and Construction Authority 200 Braddell Road ZEB Level 3
Singapore 579700
Dear Madam Alice Goh,
RE: Reducing heat gain on east and west facade walls of HDB flats
We are pleased to present our proposal on reducing heat gain on the east and west facade walls in HDB flats which will ultimately reduce indoor temperature for greater energy efficiency and sustainability.
The content of this proposal consists of the current solutions, the advantages and disadvantages of the current solutions, the group's proposed solution and benefits.
Current solutions such as reflective paint, windows and green wall are able to reduce the indoor temperature and the amount of sunlight penetrating to a small extent in a HDB household unit in compromising the high initial cost, subsequent maintenance and lack of ventilation.
The group’s proposed solution is to implement water-cooled facade wall. It uses harvested rainwater to reduce indoor temperature of a HDB household unit. The advantages are it reduces the amount heat trapped indoors, decreases the amount energy consumption and minimises the damage to the ozone layer by reducing the emission of harmful greenhouse gases.
Your time spent on our proposal is greatly appreciated. We hope you will consider our proposed solutions to allow us to take a step closer towards responding to the HDB dweller needs, by providing them a conducive environment of living in Singapore.
Yours Sincerely,
Joey Neo on behalf on ‘Js

Js: Water-cooled facade wall (Executive Summary)

Executive Summary
Singapore is located at the north of the equator and with high precipitation rate throughout the year makes Singapore a hot and humid country. Singapore could experience higher temperature in the future.
Many Singaporeans who are living in HDB flat now are feeling uncomfortably hot as the indoor temperature increases due to the heat being trapped particularly on the east and west facade walls. As a result, HDB dwellers tends to switch on the air conditioner and fan causing an increase of energy consumption.
Water-Cooled facade wall is a method that utilises harvested rainwater to run through PVC pipes which are embedded inside the walls using gravity feeds. Water-Cooled facade wall is able to reduce heat gain on the east and west facade walls which will ultimately reduces indoor temperature for greater energy efficiency and sustainability.
Water-Cooled facade wall is a solution that can reduces the amount of thermal heat trapped indoors, decreases the amount of energy consumption and minimises the damage to the ozone layer by reducing the emission of harmful greenhouse gases.
The benefits of Water-Cooled facade wall are reduction in thermal heat trapped indoors, reduction in the amount of energy consumption, and reduction in  the damage to the ozone layer.
Water-Cooled facade wall is a beneficial, simple and innovative method that reduces heat gain on east and west facade wall. It will contribute towards the conservation and improvement of our environment for a sustainable development.

Js:Water-cooled facade wall (Personal Statement)

Personal Statement
ID PHOTO.jpgMs Joey Neo
As an engineering student, I feel that the knowledge and skills I have learnt should be applied to improve the lives of people in my community around the world. Global warming has caused climate change resulting in indoor temperature in Singapore flats to increase. HDB dwellers feel warm and humid due to the thermal heat trapped by the west and east facade walls. Therefore, my group would like to address the issue of reducing heat gain on the west and east facade wall to provide a conducive environment for the residents.

Wednesday 2 December 2015

The Role of Peer and Tutor Feedback

Communication is a tool by which people use it to share information, knowledge, feelings, and meaning verbally and non-verbally. It is not just about what is actually being delivered, it is about the language and the choice of words being used. In addition, it is about how the message is being delivered non-verbally such as the tone of voice, facial expressions, gestures and body language. Message that is being delivered non-verbally can convey extra information. In particular, it shows more sentimental attitudes which may inhibit the content of the message

Feedback is an essential aspect in the process of enhancing my writing and presentation skills. It plays an important role in motivating me to do better for my next assignment. I am now more aware of my common mistakes and the needs for improvement after receiving feedback from my tutor and peers. Their feedback, in both oral and written form, foments the improvement of my writing and presentation skills.

Receiving feedback from my tutor and peers has benefited my writing and presentation skills. The feedback helps to spot my mistakes in writing, how I can improve in my writing and their perspectives of my blog post. Working with my peers from different diploma background give me a chance to complement myself with them. 

An important part about feedback in this module comes from the many drafts of the my reader response. Majority of the comments for each reader response draft were constructive feedback, and brought to my attention areas and pointers that could be improved in the upcoming draft. 

For example, I had received very detailed and concise feedback from my tutor regarding my reader response, presentation skills and proposal. I had also received comments on my blog post about my thesis statement not being strong enough and there isn't a flow in my reader response. With this feedback in mind, I knew how and where I had to amend for my next draft. Amongst the comments were compliments that gave me motivation to produce a better draft. When I do a comparison with my first reader response draft and the final draft, I could see a huge difference. There is a flow in my essay and it is more organized. I may not have shown tremendous improvement but my final reader response is definitely better than my first draft for reader response. 

Showcase Presentation: Water-cooled Facade Wall

According to National Environment Agency (2015), the ideal indoor temperature is 25 °C. Many Singaporeans, including HDB flat dwellers feel uncomfortably hot as the indoor temperature increases due to the heat being trapped particularly on the east and west facade walls. As a result, people tend to switch on the air conditioner and fan causing an increase of energy consumption.
The team proposes water-cooled facade walls to reduce indoor temperature. A water-cooled facade wall utilises harvested rainwater to flow through PVC pipes which are embedded inside the walls. The rainwater collected and stored in the storage tanks at the rooftop will run through the PVC pipes using gravity feeds and will be pumped back to the storage tank to be reused. The pump is powered by the solar panel that is installed at the rooftop. This cycle will then sustain.
My team was selected to present our proposal to the entire SIE cohort. We were in high spirit to be selected by our Professor as it was an opportunity to showcase our work to the government organisations, SIT course directors, SIT professors and my fellow course-mates. Before the presentation, I was extremely nervous as I would be presenting to a new group of audience. But thanks to my professor and classmates for being there to give us moral supports for my team and I.

I enjoy doing this assignment with Jun Jie and Jason! It is a fun and memorable learning experience with them!

Someone who has influenced you.

‘Families are the compass that guide us. They are the inspiration to reach great heights, and our comfort when we occasionally falter’-Brad Henry. 

Growing up in my family has influenced my life. My parents had an important influence in the kind of person I am now, respectful, with moral values, independent and determined in my goals. All of these are some of the principles they have implanted on me as I grew up.

For instance, I didn’t do really well for my Primary School Leaving Examination (PSLE). I barely made it to express stream. I was extremely disappointed with myself as it was not up to my expectations. However my parents didn’t feel disappointed or upset about my aggregate. In fact, they were happy for me as I have completed my first phase of my education life. They asked me to compare myself with those who failed their PSLE or can’t make it to express stream and those less fortunate children in undeveloped countries such as Cambodia or India who didn’t have an opportunity to go to school. I didn’t hit my expectations but at least I had the chance to go to school and able to enter express stream. My parents constantly remind me to be contented in whatever I have but still aim for higher achievements. Most importantly, always try our best in everything that we do. 

With my PSLE aggregate, I went to a neighbourhood school. I was in the last express class and I felt depressed about it. My sister motivated me to prove it to others that PSLE aggregate don't determine my education path. I worked really hard and ignored the negative comments from my peers. With hard work and determination, I was the top four scorers in my secondary one and two cohort. During the December holiday, both Singapore Sports School (Badminton Team) and Nan Hua High School offered a place for me because of my badminton skills and academic results. I rejected their offer as I wasn't sure of doing well in a new environment. Moreover, in an elite school. They, my parents, want me to enjoy my education life. And finally, I managed to climb up to the first express class in secondary 3 and 4. My family was very happy for me but they told me not to be complacent about it.

After I graduated from my secondary school, I went to take diploma course in civil engineering with business offered by Singapore Polytechnic as my dream is to become a civil engineer to transform the city’s infrastructure. I encountered obstacles along the way, as I dislike business modules and this caused me to struggle with my business modules in year 2. I didn’t bother to put in effort to attempt the tutorial questions. Until I received my first quiz results 38/100, I was shocked as I knew that it would affect my overall GPA.  My parents encouraged me to change my perspective of the module. They advised me to change my perspectives of all the business modules. Don’t dislike it and treat it like a bonus in my goal of becoming a civil engineer as I might need the knowledge of accounting for construction project management. With perseverance and determination, I cleared my business modules with an average grade of B+. 

In SIT, I wanted to drop out from the course as I know the degree won't bring me far. I can't be a civil engineer upon graduation. I can only be a mechanical or electrical engineer. I have been forcing myself to study for the tests and quizzes. I have stopped smiling ever since the second week of school. I was very unhappy with school but I kept telling myself to think positively. I went to look for Professor Simon Yu about my issue and he told me to press on because the beginning is always the hardest part in University.

My dad's message: Think of the reason you started with and finish what you have started. You might not enjoy the climb now because it's not the landscape you want to see. Although the process is tiring, as you climb higher, you will begin to see a beautiful sight that you could have never imagined.

My mum's message: Think back of your orientation camp, first day of school and the days where you stayed up late with your classmates to study for tests and quizzes. Everyone is struggling and they find it torturing too. 

I shouldn't just drop out from this course just because it's not fulfilling my dream. Life doesn't always give you what you want. 'When one door closes, another opens; but we often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door that we do not see the one which has opened for us.'-Alexander Graham Bell. My parents ask me to look at the bigger picture of my path towards achieving my goal. I have a diploma in civil engineering. And now I'm pursuing a mechanical or electrical engineering degree. There is nothing to lose. 


An anchor during rough waters.

Monday 30 November 2015

Reader Response (Final)

Reader Response
In the article “Why the climate fight needs engineers”, Shah (2015)  mentions that Asia’s development is susceptible to a hostile environment. Global warming increases the awareness of the need of a decarbonised economy.  As there is an increasing demand to transform cities into a sustainable urban and economic system, engineering solutions will see a peak in demand in local and regional areas. Under these circumstances, experts face obstacles in their attempts to combine integrate individual technologies into a single system.

I agree that the climate fight needs engineers to a certain extent but I believe that apart from the engineers, everyone can play a part in transforming our planet towards a cleaner and greener world.

Firstly, individuals play an important role to tackle global warming by controlling the usage of fossil fuels. Some examples include cycling to work, utilising energy-saving light bulbs at home and switching off household appliances when not in use. In addition, Earth Hour event such as switching off all non-essential lights for an hour held by World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), promotes the idea in going green. The objectives of Earth Hour are to inspire an “interconnected universal community”, in order to exchange the prospects and encounters when crafting a sustainable world. These activities raise awareness to cut down "carbon footprint and greenhouse gas emissions ." (,n.d.).

Secondly, education should be one of the fundamental aspects to the global response to climate change. According to United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO, 2014) , Climate Change Education for a Sustainable Development programme aims to increase youth’s awareness on the consequences of global warming. Member States’ competency are built up to implement quality climate change programme consisting of creative teaching methods and organizing this programme in school. It will take more than a few months to achieve a sustainable future. However, with great commitment and a set of realistic targets, we can ensure that we are heading in the right direction in restoring earth's balance.

Lastly, government plays a key role in the fight against climate change by introducing new policies. According to The White House (2013) homepage, President Obama’s Plan to Fight Climate Change framework, President Obama introduced the “Clean Power Plan." "Clean power plan" is designed to promote the use of less polluting and cleaner American energy. Strict standards are set for power plants and goals are set for the states to reduce carbon pollution.

Engineers are vital to fight climate change as their skills and expertise are required to search for engineering solutions. However, engineers alone cannot fight climate change without everyone's cooperation. Recently, the haze situation in Kalimantan, a region in Indonesia, has shown even with engineering solution to clear land for palm oil plantations, locals still prefer to burn forests which results in uncontrollable forest fires. Soeriaatmadja (2015) reports that there were a few corporations involved in the illegal forest fires. One of them was the senior executive from Bumi Mekar Hijau, a group of 'Singapore-based Asia Pulp and Paper', which is also Indonesia's greatest 'pulp and paper' contractor.

In conclusion, the climates changes have been the focus point worldwide and engineers are the solution provider. However, the climates fight need more than that; individuals, the education system and government should work cohesively in order to achieve greater level of success. If everyone makes an effort to go an extra mile, earth will be effectively sustained as everybody's actions count.

References: (n.d). Celebrating Earth Hour | EARTH HOUR. Retrieved from

EPA. (n.d). Cutting Carbon Pollution from Power Plants. Retrieved from

Indonesia arrests seven company executives for illegal forest fires. (2015, September 16). Retrieved December 2, 2015, from 

Shah V. (2015, June, 8). Eco-business, Why the climate fight needs engineers. Retrieved from

The White House. (2013). President Obama’s Plan to Fight Climate Change. Retrieved from (n.d). Take Action to Fight Climate Change. Retrieved from

UNESCO. (2014). Climate Change Education for Sustainable Development at UNESCO. Retrieved from

Wednesday 11 November 2015

Oral Presentation Reflection

On Monday, my team and I gave an oral presentation to address our problem statement, current solutions and proposed solution. Our problem statement is Singaporeans feel uncomfortably hot as the indoor temperature increases due to the heat being trapped particularly on the west facade wall. Our proposed solution is to reduce heat gain on the west facade wall, which will ultimately reduce indoor temperature for greater energy efficiency and sustainability using Water-Cooled Facade Wall.

My team and I were extremely worried as we could not find the flow in our presentation. We met up almost everyday after school to practice. We gave each other feedback so that we know what to improve on individually. Two days before the actual presentation, we conducted a trial run at Starbucks with our classmates and they gave us feedback to improve on our slides and presentation skills. The feedback from my classmates were to slow down and smile more.

On the actual day of presentation, I felt very nervous as I was representing my team to present our proposed solution. I kept reminding myself to slow down, smile more and be passionate during the presentation. I received positive feedback from Professor Brad and my classmates such as I am passionate, confident, persuasive, knowledgeable in my product and able to catch the audience attention for my presentation. However, I feel that there is still room for improvement for my part as I rushed through my last few slides and kept referring to the slides instead of making eye contact with the audience.

Overall, I think my team did a good job as we can present more confidently and fluently. There is a sense of satisfaction as we have achieved our goal!

Sunday 18 October 2015

Reader Response Draft3

Reader Response
In the article “Why the climate fight needs engineers”, Shah (2015)  mentions that Asia’s development is susceptible to a hostile environment. Global warming increases the awareness of the need of a decarbonised economy.  As there is increasing demand to transform cities into a sustainable urban and economic system, engineering solutions will see a peak in demand in local and regional areas. Thus, experts face obstacles in their attempts to combine integrate individual technologies into a single system.

I agree that climate fight needs engineers to a certain extent but I believe that apart from the engineers, everyone can play a part in transforming our planet towards a cleaner and greener world

Firstly, individuals play an important role to tackle global warming by controlling the usage of fossil fuels. Some examples include cycling to work, utilising energy-saving light bulbs at home and switching off household appliances when not in use. In addition, Earth Hour event such as switching off all non-essential lights for an hour held by World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), promotes the idea in going green. The objectives of Earth Hour are to inspire an “interconnected universal community”, in order to exchange the prospects and encounters when crafting a sustainable world. These activities raise awareness to cut down "carbon footprint and greenhouse gas emissions."

Secondly, education is one of the fundamental aspects to the global response to climate change. According to United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) , Climate Change Education for a Sustainable Development programme aims to increase youth’s awareness on the consequences of global warming. Member States’ competency are built up to implement quality climate change programme consisting of creative teaching methods and organizing this programme in school. It will take more than a few months to achieve a sustainable future. But, with great commitment and a set of realistic targets, we can ensure that we are heading in the right direction in restoring earth's balance.

Lastly, government plays a key role in the fight against climate change by introducing new policies. According to The White House (2013) President Obama’s Plan to Fight Climate Change framework, President Obama introduced the “Clean Power Plan." "Clean power plan" is designed to promote the use of less polluting and cleaner American energy. Strict standards are set for power plants and goals are set for the states to reduce carbon pollution.

Engineers are vital to fight climate change. However, engineers alone cannot fight climate change without everyone's cooperation. Recently, the haze situation in Kalimantan, a region from Indonesia, has shown even with engineering solution to clear land for palm oil plantations, locals still prefer to burn forests which results in uncontrollable forest fires.

In conclusion,the climates changes have been the focus point worldwide and engineers are the solution provider. However, the climates fight need more than that; individuals, the education system and government should work cohesively in order to achieve greater level of success. If everyone makes an effort to go an extra mile, earth will be effectively sustained as everybody's actions count.


Bokova, I. (n.d). Educating for Sustainable Development. Retrieved from (n.d). Celebrating Earth Hour | EARTH HOUR. Retrieved from

EPA. (n.d). Cutting Carbon Pollution from Power Plants. Retrieved from

Shah V. (2015, June, 8). Eco-business, Why the climate fight needs engineers. Retrieved from

The White House. (2013). President Obama’s Plan to Fight Climate Change. Retrieved from (n.d). Take Action to Fight Climate Change. Retrieved from

UNESCO. (2014). Climate Change Education for Sustainable Development at UNESCO. Retrieved from

Wednesday 30 September 2015

Reader response on Why the climate fight needs engineers (Draft2)

Reader Response
In the article “Why the climate fight needs engineers”, Shah (2015)  mentions that Asia’s development is susceptible to a hostile environment. Global warming increases the awareness of the need of a decarbonised economy.  As there is increasing demand to transform cities into a sustainable urban and economic system, engineering solutions will see a peak in local and regional areas. Thus, experts face obstacles in their attempts to combine integrate individual technologies into a single system.

I agree that "climate fight needs engineers" to a certain extend because I believe that everyone has a part to play in transforming towards a cleaner and greener world.

Firstly, individuals play an important role to tackle global warming by controlling the usage of fossil fuels. Some examples include cycling to work, utilising energy-saving light bulbs at home and switching off household appliances when not in use. In addition, Earth Hour events held by World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), promotes the idea in going green. The objectives of Earth Hour are to inspire an “interconnected universal community”,  to exchange the prospects and encounters when crafting a sustainable world. These activities raise awareness to cut down "carbon footprint and greenhouse gas emissions."

Secondly, education is one of the fundamental aspects to the global response to climate change. For example, Climate Change Education for a Sustainable Development programme, United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) aims to increase youth’s awareness on the consequences of global warming. Member States’ competency are build up to implement quality climate change programme consisting of creative teaching methods and organizing this programme in school. It will take more than a few months to achieve a sustainable future. But, with great commitment and a set of realistic targets, we can ensure that we are heading in the right direction.

Lastly, country government plays a key role in the fight against climate change by introducing new policies. For example, the President of the United states, Obama, introduced the “Clean Power Plan." "Clean power plan" is designed to promote the use of less polluting and cleaner American energy. Strict standards are set for power plants and goals are set for the states to reduce carbon pollution.

Engineers are vital to fight climate change. However, engineers alone cannot fight climate change without everyone's cooperation. Recently, the haze situation in Kalimantan, a region from Indonesia, has shown even with engineering solution to clear land for palm oil plantations, locals still prefer to burn forests which results in uncontrollable forest fires. Instead of using controlled logging and allowing young trees to mature to replace the older trees, forests are still burnt as it is the cheapest farming methods inherited from past generations. Afforestation (planting trees in abandoned agriculture land) and reforestation (replanting of trees on previously forested areas) are methods to preserve the environment. Conservation of forest involves careful planning and use of resources to protect and preserve the natural habitats of the forests.

In conclusion, individuals, education and government should work cohesively in order to achieve greater level of success. If everyone makes an effort to go an extra mile, earth will be effectively sustained as everybody's actions count.


Shah V. (2015). Eco-business, Why the climate fight needs engineers. Retrieved from (n.d). Celebrating Earth Hour | EARTH HOUR. Retrieved from (n.d). Take Action to Fight Climate Change. Retrieved from

The White House. (2013). President Obama’s Plan to Fight Climate Change. Retrieved from

UNESCO. (2014). Climate Change Education for Sustainable Development at UNESCO. Retrieved from

EPA. (n.d). Cutting Carbon Pollution from Power Plants. Retrieved from

Edited (1st October 2015)

Sunday 27 September 2015

Reader Response on Why the climate fight needs engineers

Reader Response
In the article “Why the climates fight needs engineers”, Shah (2015)  mentions that Asia’s development is susceptible to a hostile environment. Global warming increases the awareness of the need of a decarbonised economy.  As there is increasing demand to transform cities into a sustainable urban and economic system, engineering solutions will see a peak in local and regional areas. Thus, experts face obstacles in their attempts to combine integrate individual technologies into a single system. I agree that engineering expertise is essential for solving sustainability challenges to a certain extend. However, I disagree that it should not be limited to engineers to contribute in the climate fight.

Individuals play a crucial role to curb global warming by limiting the use of fossil fuels. Some examples include cycling to work, utilising energy-saving light bulbs at home and switching off household appliances when not in use. In addition, Earth Hour events held by World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF). Is a worldwide movement to encourage individuals, businesses and governments to protect and take positive actions for the environment. The objectives of Earth Hour are to inspire an “interconnected universal community”,  to exchange the prospects and encounters when crafting a sustainable world. These activities raise awareness to cut down ‘carbon footprint and greenhouse gas emissions’.

Education is a necessary aspect to the global response to climate change. For example, Climate Change Education for a Sustainable Development programme, United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) aims to increase youth’s awareness on the consequences of global warming. Member States’ competency are build up to implement quality climate change programme consisting of creative teaching methods and organizing this programme in school.

Government introduces new policies and step up enforcement. For example, The Clean Power Plan is one of the component of the United States’s international attempts to "address the threat of climate change." President Obama is taking the "biggest step yet to combat climate change by finalizing America's Clean Power Plan," which establishes the “first-ever carbon pollution standards for power plants.”

Engineers are vital to fight climate change. However, engineers alone cannot fight climate change without everyone's cooperation. As the recent haze in Kalimantan, Indonesia incident has shown that even with engineering solution to clear land for palm oil plantations, locals still prefer to burn forests which results in uncontrollable forest fires. Instead of using controlled logging and allowing young trees to mature to replace the older trees, forests are still burnt as it is the cheapest farming methods inherited from past generations. Afforestation known as planting of trees in areas that were originally not covered by forest (abandoned agricultural land) and reforestation known as replanting of trees on previously forested areas that have been logged are methods to preserve the environment. Conservation of forest involves careful planning and use of resources to protect and preserve the natural habitats of the forests.

In conclusion, these measures contributed by individuals, education and government should work cohesively in order to achieve greater level of success. If everyone makes the extra mile of effort, Earth can be sustained more effectively as every action counts.


Vaidehi Shah (2015). Eco-business, Why the climate fight needs engineers. Retrieved June 8, 2015, from (2015). Celebrating Earth Hour | EARTH HOUR. Retrieved September 27, 2015, from (2015). Take Action to Fight Climate Change. Retrieved September 27, 2015, from

The White House. (2013). President Obama’s Plan to Fight Climate Change. Retrieved from

UNESCO. (2014). Climate Change Education for Sustainable Development at UNESCO. Retrieved September 27, 2015, from

Edited (27 September 2015)

Thursday 24 September 2015

Why the climate fight needs engineers.

In the article “Why the climate fight needs engineers”, Shah(2015) mentions that Asia’s development is susceptible to a hostile environment. Global warming increases the awareness of the need of a decarbonised economy.  With the demand to transform into a "sustainable urban and economic system", engineering solutions will see a peak in both local and regional areas. Thus, experts face obstacles in their attempts to combine individual technologies into a single system.

Friday 11 September 2015

My English Language Learning Journey

I started learning English from a very young age with my interest in reading and watching american television shows such as Animal Precinct. Since you, I have a strong interest in reading books. This helped me to build my basic grammar and vocabulary skills. My favourite authors are Jacqueline Wilson, James Patterson and Anita Desai. Reading newspaper articles is also one of the main source from which new vocabulary words could be learnt. It is a leisure I enjoy especially when it comes to political issues. 

At the age at of 6, I attended Morris Allen English class once a week. I had to borrow three to four different genres of books for each lesson and do oral book reviews in the following lesson. This stimulated my interest in reading different genres of books and rapidly builds both my confidence and skills in oral English language.  

I started watching american television shows at the age of 10. While watching these shows, I observed the way they expressed themselves and picked it up slowly. I feel that watching television shows is great way of learning English. The pictures make it easier to understand as you can have a better idea of what people mean.

Also, considering the fact that my Polytechnic did not conduct English classes, reading is the only way to broaden my knowledge of the language.  Surprisingly, while texting with my friends, I will learn new phrases. Some of my friends are talented in language and they tend to have a higher usage of uncommon words. Naturally, to decipher the meaning of their sentence, I have to check up the word. As of now, I am reading eBooks and newspapers during my free time. 

Lastly, I think learning English should be fun instead of being forced unwillingly. 

Edited (16/09/15)